Unfortunately, some misuse science. Some of their intentions, are far from benevolent. They see science as a mechanism for political power and control. There is great danger from those who would use science for political control over us.

How do they do this? They instill, and then continuously magnify, fear. Fear is the most effective instrument of totalitarian control.

Chet Richards, physicist,


Thursday, 12 December 2019

Christmas Greetings to all who come here


Wonderful hymns are part of the beauty of Christianity.  This one, in the video, sings of the beauties of nature, of weather, and of farming.  All good in these days of a continued growth in world food production,  We can also note and appreciate the dramatic reduction in poverty and starvation over the last 30 years or so.  Truly, things have never been better for so many people, and there is no good reason to doubt further great progress is within our reach.

Here's another video, by an expert in CO2 and its effects.  This would make good holiday viewing for any youngster, or indeed adult, badly troubled by all the shameless, mindless scaremongering about CO2 and climate:

And here is some reinforcement from an extremely distinguished physicist who has specialised in the interaction of radiation with matter:

Merry Christmas to one and all, and here's hoping for a calmer perspective on airborne CO2 to keep on spreading round the world in 2020!

PS.  More scientists are getting through into the scientific literature with results in conflict with the scaremongers' demented visions:   https://notrickszone.com/2019/12/12/the-list-grows-now-100-scientific-papers-assert-co2-has-a-minuscule-effect-on-the-climate/

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Layers of Climate Incompetence - a quote for the classroom wall

'It takes layers of incompetence to wind up an atmospheric spectral change into Death To Billions. Mass delusion and catastrophic hyperbole just doesn’t come from nowhere — it’s starts with incompetent scientists who never ask each other hard questions, not even in the tea rooms. They tell journalists ambiguously phrased, cherry picked lines which are then amped up by the media, who also ask no hard questions and go on to misquote and exaggerate. By then it’s a junkyard of science communication, and that’s when attention-seeking zealots get hold of what they thought were scientific pronouncements and turn them into bumper stickers of enviro-biblical jello.'

Jo Nova, http://joannenova.com.au/2019/12/takes-layers-of-incompetence-to-create-mindless-catastrophic-hyperbole/

What a neat summary of this dreadful, destructive fiasco.  How  much longer can it continue?  Alarmism science is bankrupt, but the political alarmism forces may yet cause even more massive damage than they have already done before their momentum and their madness is stopped.

Here is a real scientist dismissing the climate alarmism:

Good overview by Prof. Happer in Dec 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8KxVQFoyT0&feature=emb_logo
(hat-tip: Climate Depot )

Here is a sickly-funny take on the totalitarianism that seems part of humanity's make-up and which has found new succour in the CO2 Scare:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GNDyBlKdxg&feature=emb_logo
(hat-tip: NotaLotofPeopleKnowThat )

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

PISA Survey finds only 9% of 15-year olds can distinguish fact from opinion when reading

'Only 9% of 15-year-olds can tell the difference between fact and opinion'

'In the US, 13.5% of 15-year-olds can distinguish between fact and opinion when trying to interpret a complex reading task. In the UK, it’s just 11.5%.
Those results are both better than the OECD average of 9%, according to the latest results of PISA, or the Programme for International Student Assessment, an international test of math, science, and reading which is administered by the OECD every three years.'
No wonder, then, that youngsters are so vulnerable to CO2 Scare propaganda!  As well as pointing to failings in education, this also points to the value of good teachers and parents who help their children make better sense of the world.  The recent waves of publicity for Extinction Rebellion's and Greta Thunberg's ill-informed opinions add some more urgency to finding ways to help parents and teachers, and to help the children themselves, see the lack of substance in the CO2 Scare.

Saturday, 30 November 2019

For the Climate Classroom Wall, and for Christmas gifts: the Josh 2020 Calendar, and his new book

Josh's calendar for 2020 may be his best yet, and that is saying something.  Glorious colours, great wit, and lots of insights, and reminders of stuff and nonsense from afflicted (aka 'anointed') ones of the CO2 Scare.

You can buy it here: http://cartoonsbyjosh.co.uk/

For the classroom wall, or the staff-room wall, or your kitchen wall - several conversation pieces each month - all with charm and even compassion, not least for the afflicted ones and their self-anointed leaders.

It also makes for a good gift, as does Josh's new book: 'All You Need to Know About Climate Change - in cartoons'

Here is Matt Ridley, writing in his foreword to this book:

'Nobody does a better job of exposing with wit the shaky foundations on which these predictions of doom are built than Josh.  In these pages are real scientific, economic and political arguments expressed in ingenious cartoons, their background explained in paragraphs of pithy text.'

Couldn't have said it better myself.

A great present for young and old, and it could especially help any teenagers you know at high school who may be deeply troubled thanks to the wicked propaganda they have been subjected to all their days.

You can buy it here:  http://cartoonsbyjosh.co.uk/books

And it is also on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/need-about-Climate-Change-cartoons/dp/0955005981

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Ideas for High School Projects on Climate Alarmism and the CO2 Scare

Lots of ideas for high school projects on the CO2 Scare could be plucked from this video by discerning teachers: three penetrating thinkers and analysts on climate variation (and the current alarmism around it) - Ross McKitrick, Steve McIntyre, and Anthony Watts talking good sense, aided and abetted by Mark Steyn, a penetrating thinker and analyst of current affairs - as well as a lively chairman of this discussion:

See:  https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/11/27/apocalypse-deferred/

And from the comments on that post, here is a link to a video with more explicitly highlighted ideas here for senior pupils doing projects on climate alarmism:

(hat-tip: CO2 is Life,  https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/11/27/apocalypse-deferred/#comment-2856368)

And for pupils doing a project on English lit and climate change, or journalism and climate, might well find inspiration here:


And to mark the recent passing of Clive James, here is a relevant poem of his:

Imminent Catastrophe

The imminent catastrophe goes on
Not showing many signs of happening.
The ice at the North Pole that should be gone
By now, is awkwardly still lingering,
And though sometimes the weather is extreme
It seems no more so than when we were young
Who soon will hear no more of this grim theme
Reiterated in the special tongue
Of manufactured fright. Sea Level Rise
Will be here soon and could do such-and-such,
Say tenured pundits with unblinking eyes.
Continuing to not go up by much,
The sea supports the sceptics, but they, too,
Lapse into oratory when they predict
The sure collapse of the alarmist view
Like a house of cards, for they could not have picked
A metaphor less suited to their wish.
A house of cards subsides with just a sigh
And all the cards are still there.
Feverish Talk of apocalypse might, by and by,
Die down, but the deep anguish will persist.
His death, and not the Earth’s, is the true fear
That motivates the doomsday fantasist:
There can be no world if he is not here.
        -- Clive James, The Times, 17 March 2016

[This grand wee poem was also published on this blog in March, 2016:

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Climate Sense from a Politician - let your children see this

Aussie MP Rubbishes Climate Emergency Myth.

That invaluable blog, 'Not a Lot of People Know That', has an embedded video of an Australian politician making some telling points about a climate emergency which has become as fashionable as it is unfounded:


More of this please.  Will schoolteachers dare use this short video clip in class?  Let us hope there are still some in that profession who value reality over ideology, and dislike scaremongering about CO2.

For more by way of chapter and verse, with lots of illustrations, about there not being a 'climate emergency' try:  https://realclimatescience.com/2019/11/there-is-no-climate-crisis/
'There is no climate crisis, but there is a crisis of climate superstition, fraud, incompetence, and censorship.  And it is being used to terrify children and threaten the future of western civilization.'
(hat-tip: http://climatescience.blogspot.com/2019/11/there-is-no-climate-crisis-and-heres.html)

Or, if you prefer video, here is a good one on this topic by the same author:
(hat-tip: Greenie Watch)

Thursday, 14 November 2019

We need to protect children from Climate Chicken Littles

Jim Steele: 
'By perpetuating bogus claims of a world ending in 12 years, the Chicken Littles are doing far more harm than blinding children to scientific evidence that many species, from polar bears to Adelie penguins, are thriving. Our children miss the “important lesson” that a “climate crisis” is only a theory supported by scary narratives, not facts. So how do we protect our children from Chicken Littles who seek to enroll vulnerable minds into their doomsday cults? How do we motivate our children to be good critical thinkers, and not blind group thinkers mesmerized by fear and ‘end of the earth’ scenarios? 

Foxy Loxy invites Chicken Little into the "safety" of his den

We tell children fairy tales to alert them to the real dangers, such as Crying Wolf. In the original Chicken Little tale,  Foxy Loxy offered Chicken Little and friends the shelter of his den so they would be safe from the falling sky. Once inside Foxy's den, they were never heard from again!'

Source: http://perhapsallnatural.blogspot.com/2019/10/chicken-littles-vs-adelie-penguins.html   This post also contains details of climate-scare-deranged 'science' about Adelie penguins.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019


I usually put open letters on climate matters on this Page only:

But in view of poor Greta's impact on young, and other vulnerable or poorly informed people, I think it deserves a post of its own.  Some extracts follow:

An Open Letter to Greta Thunberg

You are not a moral leader. But I will tell you what you are.

Greta Thunberg:
You have declared yourself a leader and said that your generation will start a revolution. You have comported yourself as a credentialed adult and climate change activist who has fearlessly addressed politicians and world leaders. You have dropped out of school and declared that there isn’t any reason to attend, or any reason for you to study since there will be no future for you to inherit. You have, rather than attend your classes, been leading Friday Climate Strikes for all students in your generation across the globe. Your attendance at oil pipelines has been striking. There, you unequivocally declare that all oil needs to remain in the ground where it belongs.
I shall, therefore, against the backdrop of your activism, address you as an adult rather than as a child.
There are a few things that we, the rational adults of the world who are not bowing to you like guilt-ridden obsequious Babbitts need to say to you, Greta.

First, we did not rob you of your childhood or of your dreams. You are the legatee of a magnificent technological civilization which my generation and the one before it and several others preceding it all the way to the Industrial Revolution and the Renaissance, bequeathed to you. That growth-driven, capitalist technological civilization has created the conditions for you to harangue us over our betrayal. It is a civilization that eradicated diseases such as small pox from the word, and that lifted millions out of abject poverty in a universe you think is dying and decaying. It assured you a life expectancy that exceeded that of your ancestors. Most likely by focusing on economic growth which you demonize, and scientific advancement, that civilization will further enhance a robust quality of life and health for your descendants.
Here is a hard truth to ponder, Greta: if the great producers of this world whom you excoriate were to withdraw their productivity, wealth and talents—in short—their minds from the world today, your generation would simply perish. Why? Because as children you have done nothing as yet, with your lives besides being born. This is what we expect of children until such time as they can be producers by learning from their elders. You are understandably social and ecological ballast. You are not yet cognitively advanced to replicate the structures of survival of which you are the beneficiaries.
Children are important installments on the future. We have invested in you. It is you and your smug generation which think they have nothing to learn from the older ones who are failing themselves. Whom do you expect to employ the majority of you if you have neither the job credentials or life competency skills to navigate the world? The future unemployable-skipping- school-on-Friday obstreperous children?
The truth, as one anonymous blogger aptly put it, is that your generation is unable to work up to forty hours per week without being chronically depressed and anxious. Its members cannot even decide if they want to be a boy or a girl, or both, or neither, or a “they.” They cannot eat meat without crying. I might add that your generation needs “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” as pre-conditions for learning in school. Its members have a pathological need to be coddled and protected from the challenging realities of life. Your generation is the biggest demander and consumer of carbon spewing technological gadgets and devices. An hour without any of them and too many of you succumb to paralyzing lethargy. Your generation is the least curious and most insular set of individuals one has ever encountered. Your hubris extends so far that you think you have nothing to learn from your elders.
Yes, we have betrayed you: by capitulating the world of leadership to bored, attention-deficit children who spout bromides, platitudes and slogans that a rudderless and morally relativistic culture accepts because a significant number of its denizens have become intellectually bankrupt and morally lazy.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Climate Scare Warning - New Assault on Children's Minds Imminent

'On Nov. 20-21, 2019, in schools around the world, for ages down to kindergarten, Al Gore's "Climate Reality" group plans to give presentations based on Gore's highly fraudulent "Truth in 10" slideshow. '

Tom Nelson is drawing attention to a new threat to the well-being of children around the world - a new Gore-developed presentation designed to alarm and to upset.  Here is some of the promotion for it on Al Gore's own blog:

'The climate crisis affects all of us. And it’s up to all of us to solve it.
That is why Al Gore created the Truth in 10 slideshow, a 10-minute presentation that will help you spread a simple message to your community: the climate crisis is urgent, but the solutions are at hand.
Download the presentation, personalize it, practice it at home, and then go out and deliver it. Start with your friends, your family, your school, your house of worship, your business or community center.'
Tom's reaction:  'I think as many skeptics as possible should check out the map here. If a presentation is scheduled at a local school, please take the time to write a complaint letter.  (Please let me know via DM, email, or comment here if you do some pushback).'
Given Al Gore's poor track record on climate, this is not good news.  I daresay he may be hoping to ride on the new waves of publicity being generated by Extinction Rebellion.  These are political initiatives employing blatant scaremongering, and as such should have no place in schools.

Note added 7/11/19.  A recent report on the harm being done to children by such people:   https://www.breitbart.com/environment/2019/09/17/epidemic-of-kids-treated-for-eco-anxiety-over-climate-change/

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Parents of Climate-Scared Youngsters should Read This: 'there is no climate emergency'

Some children and young people are obviously genuinely scared by the climate propaganda they have been exposed to by their teachers and others who should've known better.   Being scared about the future is a rotten way to move towards the world of work and achievement.  These youngsters urgently need our help.  Getting them to read the declaration below would be an easy start to what may be a long process:

'There is no climate emergency
A global network of 500 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address the uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real benefits as well as the imagined costs of adaptation to global warming, and the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of mitigation.
Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming
The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.
Warming is far slower than predicted
The world has warmed at less than half the originally-predicted rate, and at less than half the rate to be expected on the basis of net anthropogenic forcing and radiative imbalance. It tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.
Climate policy relies on inadequate models
Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools. Moreover, they most likely exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.
CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth
CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.
Global warming has not increased natural disasters
There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly. For instance, wind turbines kill birds and insects, and palm-oil plantations destroy the biodiversity of the rainforests.
Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities
There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, we will have ample time to reflect and adapt. The aim of international policy should be to provide reliable and affordable energy at all times, and throughout the world.'
This has been signed by hundreds of scientists and climate policy experts.  Monckton of Brenchley describes them as follows: 'The Global Climate Intelligence Group, whose objective is to put the science back into climate science, comprises scientists, professionals and researchers from many nations, has already attracted some 500 signatures for what began life scant weeks ago as the European Climate Declaration.
The group, and the declaration, are the brainchild of Professor Guus Berkhout, emeritus professor of Geophysics in the Delft University of Technology. Professor Berkhout is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences./

Thursday, 26 September 2019

What is it like to read calm, rational, highly-informed reasoning on climate? Try Prof Nir Shaviv for starters.

The appalling, unhinged demonstrations on climate by schoolchildren, and their tragically duped and exploited figurehead Greta Thunberg, are a bit wearisome to say the least.  So, by way of a break, let us have a read of a calmer, highly-informed climate commentary from a penetrating rather than a brainwashed mind - that of Professor Nir Shaviv:

'Political and corporate leaders gathered for the climate week in New York City have urged significant action to fight global warming. But, given the high costs of the suggested solutions, could it be that the suggested cure is worse than the disease?
As a liberal who grew up in a solar house, I have always been energy-conscious and inclined toward activist solutions to environmental issues. I was therefore extremely surprised when my research as an astrophysicist led me to the conclusion that climate change is more complicated than we are led to believe. The disease is much more benign, and a simple palliative solution lies in front of our eyes. 

To begin with, the story we hear in the media, that most 20th-century warming is anthropogenic, that the climate is very sensitive to changes in CO2, and that future warming will, therefore, be large and will happen very soon, simply isn’t supported by any direct evidence, only a shaky line of circular reasoning. We “know” that humans must have caused some warming, we see warming, we don’t know of anything else that could have caused the warming, so it adds up.
However, there is no calculation based on first principles that leads to a large warming by CO2—none. Mind you, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports state that doubling CO2 will increase the temperatures by anywhere from 1.5 degrees to 4.5 degrees C, a huge range of uncertainty that dates back to the Charney committee from 1979.
In fact, there is no evidence on any time scale showing that CO2 variations or other changes to the energy budget cause large temperature variations. There is, however, evidence to the contrary. Tenfold variations in CO2 over the past half-billion years have no correlation whatsoever with temperature; likewise, the climate response to large volcanic eruptions such as Krakatoa.
Both examples lead to the inescapable upper limit of 1.5 degrees C per CO2 doubling—much more modest than the sensitive IPCC climate models predict. However, the large sensitivity of the latter is required in order to explain 20th-century warming, or so it is erroneously thought.

In 2008, I showed, using various data sets that span as much as a century, that the amount of heat going into the oceans, in sync with the 11-year solar cycle, is an order of magnitude larger than the relatively small effect expected simply from changes in the total solar output. Namely, solar activity variations translate into large changes in the so-called radiative forcing on the climate.
Since solar activity significantly increased over the 20th century, a significant fraction of the warming should be then attributed to the sun, and because the overall change in the radiative forcing due to CO2 and solar activity is much larger, climate sensitivity should be on the low side (about 1 to 1.5 degrees C per CO2 doubling).
In the decade following the publication of the above, not only was the paper uncontested, more data, this time from satellites, confirmed the large variations associated with solar activity. In light of this hard data, it should be evident by now that a large part of the warming isn’t human, and that future warming from any given emission scenario will be much smaller.

Alas, because the climate community developed a blind spot to any evidence that should raise a red flag, such as the aforementioned examples or the much smaller tropospheric warming over the past two decades than models predicted, the rest of the public sees a very distorted view of climate change—a shaky scientific picture that is full of inconsistencies became one of certain calamity.
With this public mindset, phenomena such as that of child activist Greta Thunberg are no surprise. Most bothersome, however, is that this mindset has compromised the ability to convey the science to the public.
One example from the past month is my interview with Forbes. A few hours after the article was posted online, it was removed by the editors “for failing to meet our editorial standards.” The fact that it’s become politically incorrect to have any scientific discussion has led the public to accept the pseudo-argumentation supporting the catastrophic scenarios.
Evidence for warming doesn’t tell us what caused the warming, and any time someone has to appeal to the so-called 97 percent consensus, he or she is doing so because his or her scientific arguments aren’t strong enough. Science isn’t a democracy.'
[Hat-tip, and for more links to writing by Prof Shaviv, see Climate Depot ]

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Are kids going to be permanently damaged by climate scaremongering?

The bizarre 'school strikes' and the sanctification of Greta Thunberg must continue to amaze and dismay anyone who knows even a modest amount about the climate system and climate variation.

The absence of any remotely credible case for there being a 'climate emergency' will no doubt be apparent to future generations able to look back with dropped jaws at these recent events, and the decades of propaganda which led to them.  But will the young victims of the scaremongering ever recover from it?

Will the political forces behind the scaremongering ever want to let them recover?  After all, scared and bewildered people would seem well-suited to handing over more of their lives to government control, and to supporting all the various gravy trains that the scare has enriched with a trillion dollar market.

A recent post by Simon at Australian Climate Madness provides a neat summary, which I hope they won't mind my reproducing in full:

'The climate strikes aren’t about climate, they are about anti-capitalism

Most of the deluded kids on the climate “strikes” last week didn’t have a clue why they were there.
Enthusiastically cheered on by the mainstream media, it was a cheeky bludge off school and all they were doing was trying to “save the planet” right?
No of course not. These gullible kids are being exploited by all kinds of extreme-Left and anti-capitalist groups in order to bring about a wholesale societal change, using our children as their innocent pawns.
The website for the strikes refers to the need for “climate justice” which we all know is code for wealth redistribution from rich countries to poor, and an excuse for the usurping of normal democratic processes.
And as we no longer educate children to think for themselves, you can bet this brainwashing will last decades – possibly their entire lives.

So, he reckons the kids will suffer for 'decades' more, or maybe 'their entire lives'.  It seems to me a major pastoral care effort is required - with 'ordinary' folks everywhere defending the very young from more of the same, and helping the existing victims develop a calmer, more informed perspective on both climate variation and on political manipulation.
Footnote.  One commenter on the ACM post asked for evidence of the politicisation of the climate scare.  Another promptly gave him a list of for instances:    https://australianclimatemadness.com/2019/09/23/the-climate-strikes-arent-about-climate-they-are-about-anti-capitalism/#comment-37903

Friday, 20 September 2019

The GWPF Climate Quiz for Children on 'Strike': what kind of a lousy crisis is this?

An excellent idea from the Global Warming Policy Foundation to help children decide if they are 'strike-ready' - in other words are they informed about just how bad this climate emergency is?

Try the questions here:  https://www.playbuzz.com/item/af7c2201-9cea-4b05-85cb-e826e021b6cc

You'll be asked about temperature rises, about floods, about world poverty, about forest cover, and more.

And the answers are provided at the end.

Hey, parents everywhere, your kids' teachers may be scaring them as poor Greta was scared at school,  but you don't have to let that stick.  Equip yourself with the answers to this short quiz and be on hand as your children give it a try.  

Not much to be scared about there, eh?

Addendum 1
Over in the States, meanwhile, there is a report of a panel of schoolchildren appointed to dictate climate policy:

'WASHINGTON, D.C.—At a panel on climate change held yesterday, the Senate brought in a group of excited third graders for ideas on fighting climate change.
“These kids have ideas and they are passionate, so we must listen to them,” said Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii. “There are no possible downsides to taking kids who have been told the world is ending by the public school system and allowing them to dictate national policies on important issues.”
The kids came up with the following list so far, though they say they’re “just spitballing” and the ideas need some fleshing out:
  • Bribing the climate with cookies and candy
  • Putting the climate on time-out
  • Just ignoring climate change and playing Fortnite
  • Building a giant magnet and sucking up all the bad climate stuff
  • Buying a Nintendo Switch for every person in the nation (so they’ll stay inside and play Nintendo instead of driving cars)
  • Making a big freeze ray gun like in Despicable Me and shooting the climate
  • Pointing and laughing at cows who fart so they’ll be embarrassed and stop fartingthe Babyloe 
  • Hey do you guys want to play some Minecraft? This is boring.'

And the source of this scoop:  'The Babylon Bee'

Addendum 2
For older pupils, there are some worthy suggestions re climate homework here:

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Climate 'Striking' Schools: "having children demonstrate on school time was the Soviet way"

Two extracts from an article in the New York Post: 

The ‘Climate Strike’ is a crock that exploits kids

{With my emphases added:}

'This Friday, in advance of the United Nations Climate Summit, students across the country will walk out of their schools as part of a Climate Strike. In New York City, the Department of Education has given its stamp of approval to the walk-out and won’t mark it as an absence, making it less “a strike” and more a coordinated effort by the school system to force political action on children.'


'In my Russian-speaking community, people took to Facebook to discuss the similarities they saw to their time in the Soviet Union. One mom posted that the strike is “Soviet-style brainwashing and propaganda” Another mom wrote that the particular issue doesn’t matter; “having children demonstrate on school time was the Soviet way.”

One Park Slope elementary school sent parents a note that the entire school will be walking out for the strike. A mother of a 6-year-old told me, in response: “I am all for people supporting causes they believe in, but do not force your causes and beliefs on my first-grader.”
Another mom told me she believes in climate change and thinks the government should take action but finds the strike absurd. She’s afraid to single her kid out by making him skip it and isn’t speaking up.'
Note added 19 Sep 2019.  The kids stand on thin ice, as do all the eco-zealots who have been pushing the children to 'strike'.  Delingpole has exposed a goodly selection of their nonsenses and deceptions:   https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/09/18/delingpole-fact-checking-alarmist-kids-false-claims-at-climate-crisis-hearing/

Friday, 13 September 2019

Poor Greta was scared by fake news from CO2 alarmists about polar bears

Susan Crockford has a new post up about the deceptive, political goal-driven propaganda based on polar bears:

'These starving polar bears falsely blamed on climate change have scared kids to death'

Can anyone get through to Greta Thunberg about these and other deceptions which she has accepted as gospel?  Or to any of the probably many tens of thousands of youngsters similarly scared by what they have been told.  Or by what they have been duped into believing.

Here is a paragraph from the Crockford post:

'Here I summarize the truth about all four of these starving polar bear images that have been used since 2009 to emotionally manipulate the public (especially young girls), into getting on board the climate change band wagon. Rational people have seen through the rhetoric and come to realize that climate change is virtually never the cause of starvation. However, some poor kids have been scared to death by these images and the stories of climate change catastrophe they inspired – they are very real victims of climate change messaging at its worst.'

Click the link by the picture above to read the rest.  And try to protect any children you know from this sort of abuse.  The polar bears are generally doing OKBut Greta and the others are most certainly not.

Note added 27 Sep 2019.  Poor Greta flounders when she does not have a script provided for her:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bwLt_5t73g   Who does provide her scripts?
Note added 29 Sep 2019.  More details of those behind the abusive exploitation of this poor child:   https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2019/09/28/gretas-soros-connections/
and more here on their lack of imagination:

Friday, 6 September 2019

Climate-scared pupils and teachers take note:- a calmer mind leads the World Meteorological Organisation

'London, 6 September: The General-Secretary of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says that the alarmist narrative on climate change has gone off the rails and criticised the news media for provoking unjustified anxiety.

Speaking to Finland's financial newspaper Talouselämä (“The Journal”) on 6 September 2019, Petteri Taalas called for cooler heads to prevail, saying that he does not accept arguments of climate alarmists that the end of the world is at hand.'

See this GWPF press release:  https://www.thegwpf.com/wmo-secretary-general-warns-against-climate-doomsters-and-extremists/

It is not much by itself, but such sanity and sense is all too rare in the fervid mass media and in politics (see the lunacy at the recent 'Climate Townhall'* for presidential candidates in the USA for example).  Thanks to the shameful exploitation of Greta Thunberg, many schoolchildren are also being drawn into the madness and despair, some with the active support of teachers and administrators.  So, any calming voice in the midst of this intemperate, hyperbolic, and baseless panic is welcome.  Well done that man!

*Here are some reports of this sorry event:

Note added 13 Sep 2019.  Sigh ... Powerful forces at work I guess.  The WMO chappie has somewhat backtracked:  
'Today, Taalas appears to have backtracked from this robust position, saying he had been wrongly portrayed as “questioning the international focus on the need for robust climate action”.'
As Benny Peiser points out (see link below), no one seems to have ever made such a portrayal.  It seems the poor man has been forced into a declaration of faith in the fanatical religion of the CO2 Doomsday Cult. 

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Pushing the CO2 Scare by 'Abusing Children : Abusing Science'

From the RealClimateScience blog:

'Climate alarmists have intentionally targeted children - to push their political objectives. Instead of holding an honest debate with adults, they have chosen to terrorize young people with their lies and propaganda. They are destroying science while simultaneously destroying the mental health of children.'

This new video from Tony Heller includes a clip from the vile propaganda movie made by the climate scaremongerers who called themselves '10:10'. His main point, other than to draw attention to the turpitude of the climate alarmists, is that in the United States, far worse weather has been seen in the past than in recent decades, and that there is no justification in scaring children about losing energy sources vital to modern life in the States and elsewhere. The United States could shut down completely and it would not impede the continued growth in global emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels and other man-made interventions.

He notes that the alarmers generally refuse to debate knowledgeable people like him, and far prefer to scare children as a source of leverage for their political ambitions. While demonising, and marginalising informed critics of the weak and sloppy science the alarmers claim as a foundation for their emotive campaigns.

Tony Heller's blog, Real Climate Science, is, amongst other merits, an invaluable resource for historical records of weather events gleaned from newspaper archives - the alarmists have not (yet?) found a way to adjust these the way they have been adjusting temperature records.

What about newspapers and other mass media today? Well, many of them cannot resist spinning weather events to support the Big Scare narrative. Paul Homewood's blog, Not a Lot of People Know That, is an excellent resource for refutation of such propaganda pieces in modern newspapers and mass media websites such as that of the BBC.

Friday, 30 August 2019

Children becoming 'the brainwashed front for the climate religion'

Sanjeev Sabhlok has written an excellent piece for the Times of India entitled

'Climate hysteria is a great opportunity to teach children to ask questions'

Here are the introductory paragraphs:

'Most adults have little or no time to investigate the claims about climate change. They either accept them, assuming that “authority figures” have done their homework, or sit on the fence.
Some consider that only scientists are supposed to understand science. But everyone has an equal place at the table of science and if our questions are not answered or the evidence doesn’t stack up, we are free to reject that “science”.
Climate alarm has long given up the pretence of any link to science. Millions have been successfully “converted” – and they get duly worked up if their belief is questioned: “have you been outside recently?”, “erratic climate events are everywhere!”, “rainfall is getting less every year!”, “flash floods, including in Rajasthan are clear proof!”.
Some of them have gone to the next stage and become missionaries. They go about distributing their religious pamphlets in schools, indoctrinating innocent lower-IQ children. Hopelessly confused children like Greta Thunberg are being churned out as a result. At an age when children like her should be learning to ask questions, they have become the brainwashed front for the climate religion. There is little difference between such “committed” youth and Hitler’s Youth or the youth churned out by ISIS’s madrassas.
In my view, if anyone tells a child that climate change is man-made just because someone says so (such as a missionary “scientist” but now increasingly, “royals” and “celebrities”), that person has committed a sin against the enlightenment, against human progress.
I would personally have been supportive of Greta Thunberg if she had been a prodigally intelligent child who dazzled her teachers with amazing questions, then found the answers and was now promoting a view that she thoroughly understood. It would not matter to me that she had come to the wrong conclusion. After all, no one can be right on everything all the time. But she suffers, sadly, from mental issues and speaks as a missionary – she cannot answer a single question about the science.
We are very prone as a species to superstitions, panics, delusions, manias and hysterias. We have gone through thousands of them (many still underway), such as religion, alchemy, witchcraft, astrology, phrenology, eugenics, the Y2K bug, the SARS panic, much of Ayurveda and Chinese traditional medicine and all of homeopathy.
The climate hysteria will ultimately pass, but to avoid such hysterias in the future we need to get our children to start thinking and stop believing. Climate change is a superb topic for teachers and students to explore.'
Sabhlok is proposing something positive to help prevent such madness again.  His notion of incorporating regular 'question-asking' into school curricula seems well worthy of consideration.  But it may also be useful in the shorter-term for helping children and young adults recover from the scaremongering about climate which they have been exposed to.  See the full article for examples of the questions Sabhlok thinks would be relevant on climate.

Note added later 30/8/19.   Here is an example of what we are up against - teachers wanting to encourage even more children to 'strike' over 'climate disruption'.  I doubt if a single one of these children can make a coherent case for alarm, or get beyond the shallow slogans of the zealots.  After all, I daresay neither can most of the adult zealots.