(1) The Aztec God of Rain: Tlaloc.
worship of Tlaloc [the rain god] was among the most ghastly in
Mexico... children were constantly sacrificed to him. If we may
believe Sahagun, at the feast of the Tlaloque "they sought out a
great number of babes at the breast, which they purchased of their
mothers. They chose by preference those who had two crowns in their
hair and who had been born under a good sign. They pretended that
these would form a more agreeable sacrifice to the gods, to the
Source: http://levigilant.com/Bulfinch_Mythology/bulfinch.englishatheist.org/races/chapter2.htm For more on Sahagun: http://www.wdl.org/en/item/10096/
Note added 28 Aug 2019 In Peru, only maybe 500 years ago, they sacrificed children when they had too much rain: 'The children may have been sacrificed when sacrificing adults did nothing to ward off the adverse climate events, bioarchaeologist Haagen Klaus told National Geographic.
"People sacrifice that which is of most and greatest value to them," he said. "They may have seen that [adult sacrifice] was ineffective. The rains kept coming. Maybe there was a need for a new type of sacrificial victim."
(2)The Eco Demon of Doom: CO2
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Great Insights into the Eco-Scourge |
Now the modern superstition is that our carbon dioxide emissions do what carbon dioxide has never been known to do before, and that is drive and dominate the climate system, leading to catastrophe. There are so many people who dislike our industrial civilisation, that this invented horror over a trace gas has been like a gift from the gods. They can use it to deprive the poor of all the great benefits that fossil fuels can bring. They can use it to create agriculture that grows not food but fuel for cars, despite fossil fuel being generally cheaper and less damaging to their engines. When basic food prices rise as a result, more people starve. The food they need could readily be produced, but they can't afford to buy it. The demonisation of CO2 also means higher energy prices in the developed world, increasing fuel-poverty and reducing the prospects for economic growth there because heavily-subsidised windfarms, solar farms, and other foolish indulgences, are being imposed by supine governments. Supine in the face of the high-priests of the climate scare, and the countless opportunists who rally round them in search of political and financial advantage.
There are also tribes of followers of this new cult, almost all wealthy and intolerant of dissent. For them the superstition science is settled. Action must be taken. We saw some of them marching through New York and other places last month.
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They all looked well-fed and prosperous beneficiaries of industrial societies, and obviously with time to spare. Some of their leaders were there too, some fabulously wealthy. A few of them can be seen on the left in a screenshot taken from a new video called 'Why Renewables Equal Death'.
The picture on the right is from the same video. It shows the burning of dung, the renewable energy source that causes so much air pollution and waste of fertiliser in the developing world.
(3) A Modern Aztec Sacrifice: Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, who has lost his childhood
'A 14-year old Colorado boy with an Aztec name travels the world with his younger brother, 11, as a missionary for “global sustainability,” rapping, dancing and speaking for Earth Guardians, a group he directs. Xiuhtezcatl Martinez is not descended from Aztecs, the bloody tyranny that ruled central Mexico for several centuries until Cortes and his Native American allies overthrew them in 1521. But Aztecs have somehow emerged in the sustainability movement as an ideal of eco-friendly civilization. Never mind that the Aztecs were a predatory empire founded on constant warfare, genocide, human sacrifice, and cannibalism.'
The above paragraph is taken from the start of a penetrating article by Rachelle Peterson called 'How Radicals Hijacked Environmentalism'. She goes on to note:
'The new cult of Aztec sustainability was on display at the People’s Climate March of September 21st, where a contingent of would-be Aztecs drummed and danced their way down Sixth Avenue with a float decorated with sculpted human skulls.'
'Sustainability', she further notes, is now 'a big tent that shelters social and political agendas along with environmental ones. Social justice, managed economies, fair trade, gender neutrality, and racial diversity are just a few of the other movements that find ideological homes under the banner of “sustainability.” Anti-colonialism is only the latest to join these ranks.'
She concludes with a caution:
'Perhaps the real “colonialism” that activists should eye is sustainability itself. The broader the sustainability movement becomes, the more aggressive it becomes in shoehorning parallel social movements into its mold. In that sense, the Aztec imagery is apt. The Aztecs were one of the New World’s most successful imperial powers and succeeded in dominating all the native peoples of central Mexico for a time. Strangely enough, however, they proved unsustainable. Their other indigenous peoples of Mexico jumped at the chance presented by the arrival of a small contingent of well-armed Europeans to put an end to the Aztec empire. Xiuhtezcatl might at some point take some time out from his advocacy work to study some history.'
Steve Goddard has more illustrations of Aztec practices, ancient and modern, here:
(4) 'Sustainable Development' = 'Suppressed Development'
The list of harms caused by self-styled 'environmentalists' or 'radicals' or would-be 'guardians' is very large. Here is a listing of what may only be part of it: 'The Legacy of the Environmental Movement'. Here are the sub-headings at that location:
'Prolonged Psychological Fear Based on Unfounded/Distorted Claims'
'Needless Death of over 30 Million Innocent Young Children'
'Loss of a Dependable Electrical Infrastructure'
'Dependency on Foreign Oil and Higher Fuel Prices'
'The Agents of Fear'
'Development of the "Precautionary Principle" into a Fear Distortion Tool'
'Taking of Property without Just Compensation (Private Lands)'
'Endangered Species Act'
'Tying National Security Up in Knots'
'Eliminating or Weakening Flood Prevention Systems (Dams, Levies)'
'Depriving Workers of Their Livelihood'
'The Law of Unintended Consequences'
'The Destruction of Credible Science by Promoting Junk Science'
'The Destruction of Scientist who disagree with the Environmental Agenda'
'Promoting a Small Utopian World for the Elite through a Population Control Agenda (Isn't this called Genocide?)'
'Sponsor of Terrorism in the Name of the Environment'
'School Indoctrination: Driving Fear into the Hearts of Our Children'
So much harm. So much enthusiasm for harm. Superstition can do that. They call it 'Settled Science' in our time. It leads to great sacrifice, and great waste. Not least of our children.
Note added 17 October 2014. Will Happer, the distinguished physicist, drew attention to the Aztec analogy back in 2009: http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/physicist-compares-global-warming-craze-to-aztec-human-sacrifices
Note added 17 October 2014. Paul Driessen has more on the activities of the young boy with the Aztec name: http://capitolhilloutsider.com/mindless-green-indoctrination-of-children/
“We’re from the Earth Guardians group, and we’re working on fracking and how it’s going to affect our future and our health. So we wrote this song for all the gas companies that are putting their profits ahead of our future.”
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The above paragraph is taken from the start of a penetrating article by Rachelle Peterson called 'How Radicals Hijacked Environmentalism'. She goes on to note:
'The new cult of Aztec sustainability was on display at the People’s Climate March of September 21st, where a contingent of would-be Aztecs drummed and danced their way down Sixth Avenue with a float decorated with sculpted human skulls.'
'Sustainability', she further notes, is now 'a big tent that shelters social and political agendas along with environmental ones. Social justice, managed economies, fair trade, gender neutrality, and racial diversity are just a few of the other movements that find ideological homes under the banner of “sustainability.” Anti-colonialism is only the latest to join these ranks.'
She concludes with a caution:
'Perhaps the real “colonialism” that activists should eye is sustainability itself. The broader the sustainability movement becomes, the more aggressive it becomes in shoehorning parallel social movements into its mold. In that sense, the Aztec imagery is apt. The Aztecs were one of the New World’s most successful imperial powers and succeeded in dominating all the native peoples of central Mexico for a time. Strangely enough, however, they proved unsustainable. Their other indigenous peoples of Mexico jumped at the chance presented by the arrival of a small contingent of well-armed Europeans to put an end to the Aztec empire. Xiuhtezcatl might at some point take some time out from his advocacy work to study some history.'
Steve Goddard has more illustrations of Aztec practices, ancient and modern, here:
'Threatening Children With Violent Death'
(4) 'Sustainable Development' = 'Suppressed Development'
The list of harms caused by self-styled 'environmentalists' or 'radicals' or would-be 'guardians' is very large. Here is a listing of what may only be part of it: 'The Legacy of the Environmental Movement'. Here are the sub-headings at that location:
'Prolonged Psychological Fear Based on Unfounded/Distorted Claims'
'Needless Death of over 30 Million Innocent Young Children'
'Loss of a Dependable Electrical Infrastructure'
'Dependency on Foreign Oil and Higher Fuel Prices'
'The Agents of Fear'
'Development of the "Precautionary Principle" into a Fear Distortion Tool'
'Taking of Property without Just Compensation (Private Lands)'
'Endangered Species Act'
'Tying National Security Up in Knots'
'Eliminating or Weakening Flood Prevention Systems (Dams, Levies)'
'Depriving Workers of Their Livelihood'
'The Law of Unintended Consequences'
'The Destruction of Credible Science by Promoting Junk Science'
'The Destruction of Scientist who disagree with the Environmental Agenda'
'Promoting a Small Utopian World for the Elite through a Population Control Agenda (Isn't this called Genocide?)'
'Sponsor of Terrorism in the Name of the Environment'
'School Indoctrination: Driving Fear into the Hearts of Our Children'
So much harm. So much enthusiasm for harm. Superstition can do that. They call it 'Settled Science' in our time. It leads to great sacrifice, and great waste. Not least of our children.
Note added 17 October 2014. Will Happer, the distinguished physicist, drew attention to the Aztec analogy back in 2009: http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/physicist-compares-global-warming-craze-to-aztec-human-sacrifices
Note added 17 October 2014. Paul Driessen has more on the activities of the young boy with the Aztec name: http://capitolhilloutsider.com/mindless-green-indoctrination-of-children/
“We’re from the Earth Guardians group, and we’re working on fracking and how it’s going to affect our future and our health. So we wrote this song for all the gas companies that are putting their profits ahead of our future.”
'With that prelude, 12-year-old Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and his 9-year-old brother Itzcuauhtli launched into an anti-fracking rap song for Evergreen Middle School students whose teacher had invited them to travel 40 miles from their home in “the People’s Republic of Boulder,” Colorado. The song was well rehearsed, spirited, clever – and no doubt assisted by their mother, the founder and executive director of Earth Guardians, and maybe even by Boulder’s former mayor, an EG advisor. The boys have been inculcated in Aztec and Hard Green ideology from birth. '
Note added 20 October 2015. The youngster is still being exploited as a performer by the UN: http://www.yaleclimateconnections.org/2015/10/eco-hip-hop-artist-takes-world-by-storm/
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