Unfortunately, some misuse science. Some of their intentions, are far from benevolent. They see science as a mechanism for political power and control. There is great danger from those who would use science for political control over us.

How do they do this? They instill, and then continuously magnify, fear. Fear is the most effective instrument of totalitarian control.

Chet Richards, physicist,


Thursday, 4 November 2010

Gore out the door in one school, but Nye clouds the sky in his place

What's in a name?  That which we call Al Gore
By any other name would be more discreet
And thus by stratagem we may play our part
And let our children Bill Nye to meet.

In England a court of law found that
The Inconvenient Truth has many lies
And must be shown with caution
Lest it mislead about our skies.

In the New World some teachers have decided
That Gore is not good news
But they found a ready substitute
To promulgate his views.

Extract (I put it in italics, and bolded one paragraph) from a post by Jeff Wiita on the site Minnesotans for Global Warming           :
'My daughter's 8th grade Earth Science teacher showed her class a video on man-made global warming by Bill Nye, The Science Guy, and kids consider him a science guru; thanks to PBS.
I wrote a letter to the teacher and specifically addressed climate history, including the 1975 Newsweek article, the Medieval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age, and the Holocene Climate Optimum. I even addressed the Roman Warm Period and the Dark Ages Cold Period.
At the parent/teacher conferences, I asked the teacher if she was going to show Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth." She shook her head "no" and said, "We wouldn't do that." She told me that she was not supposed to interject any bias in the science class. I then told her that was exactly what she did when she showed the video of Bill Nye, The Science Guy.
Bill Nye is part of Repower America (Alliance for Climate Protection). Here is a short video.
During the video, Bill Nye turns man-made global warming into a generational war. Categorizing global warming skeptics as old and intellectually challenged while believers are young and intellectually enlightened.
The founder and chairman of the Alliance for Climate Protection is Al Gore. Bill Nye is clearly acting as a surrogate for Al Gore in the public schools system. The public school teachers are still promoting man-made global warming, but they understand that Al Gore's movie is radioactive; so, they have reverted to covert warfare with Bill Nye, The Science Guy.
We must not confuse our kids with science fiction in a science class that is supposed to teach scientific fact. How are they supposed be able to distinguish between the differences? Their future relies on their trust, and their trust is fragile.
I have requested some time to present an opposing point of view to the Earth Science class based entirely on scientific fact. I am still waiting for the teacher's response.'

Sunday, 24 October 2010

The Tangled Web they weave as they practise to deceive children on climate

There are dozens of sites, possibly hundreds, that are pushing out information and grounds for alarm to children and young people in and around our climate.  The variability of this climate poses problems, not least from the inevitable 'extreme values' that must occur from time to time in any particular characteristic subject to this variability, such as temperature or rainfall.  But these sites are not so much about climate as about 'blame' and political action, often using frightening images or language to engage with their targets and persuade them to hassle their parents, to change their lifestyles, and generally be scared witless about the future.  The complete lack of observational evidence to justify such treatment of the young does not deter them.  They have been told by the IPCC that the world is doomed unless we act soon, and they believe it.  The 'evidence', such as it is, is entirely based on the projections of computer models of climate specifically designed to give CO2 a large, indeed driving effect, a role which it steadfastly refuses to adopt in the real atmosphere.  Very commonly, these sites compare the atmosphere to a greenhouse - an all but entirely fatuous analogy, but one which has caught on very widely.  One day, pupils will laugh at any teacher who tries to explain why greenhouses get hot through 'trapping infra-red'.  But Miss, they will chuckle, greenhouses almost transparent to infrared would get just as hot as ordinary glass ones.  And unless 'Miss' has a red button on her desk, she will have some explaining to do.

I have put a partial listing of such sites on this blog.  It can be found as a 'Page', and can be reached via the link near the top right corner of the homepage.  Dave W has provided further information on some of these sites, and I am most grateful for his help.

If anyone out there would like to help with this, please email me (JSclimatelessonsatgmaildotcom) with the name of the site you plan to check out, so that we may reduce the chances of people working on the same one at the same time.

Please also email me with any errors or omissions you come across on the Page.  Thanks!

Maths, Science, Ego - what are we doing re 'climate' in our schools?

Cartoon source: http://blogs.dailymail.com/donsurber/archives/23251

I think ego-building is a part of what is going on, but that is to be optimistic.  Telling children that they are to 'save the planet' is perhaps good for their egos.  But telling them, based pretty much on computer models that are not fit to be let out of the groves of academe, that the planet, which for the young means their family and friends and pets, is in imminent danger, is surely bad for their spirits.  And bad for their intellects too, since there is precious little good science behind CO2-alarmism and an awful lot of goal-motivated speculation.  What that goal, or goals are, is worthy of debate, but handing over more taxes and more power to governments seems an intrinsic part of it.  Destroying industrial progress seems another.  Mostly, though, it seems to feed on the joy of controlling others - what they eat, drink, and smoke; how they light, heat, and build their houses; what opinions they may hold on this that and the other; what transport systems they are allowed to use; and how far away their trading partners are permitted to be.  All based on fear.  Irrational, spirit-sapping, mind-numbing, truth-obscuring fear.  What a way to prepare the young for the future.  Let us hope that in China and in India, and in other powerhouses of the developing world, they will choose instead to pursue maths, and science, and independent thought, even as the US and Europe and other places wreck themselves and their young with dismal, pessimistic foolishness on a grand scale.  These Chinese and Indian and other children will not just take the 1st and 2nd places on such podia suggested by the cartoon above, but soon the 3rd and 4th and ... nth as well.  Good luck to them.  Our future generations may yet learn from them in turn.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Contempt for Parliament - an effect or an enabler of CO2 alarmism?

A Lord Marland disgraces the House of Lords with his blatant contempt for a fellow peer.  But it is a sign not merely of yobbishness on his part, but of the absurdity and indefensibility of the Climate Change Act.  It is out of the question that it can be complied with, and this particular exchange merely serves, as did the climategate revelations, to reveal the low calibre of some of those who create, or collaborate with, alarm about CO2 in the atmosphere.  This vacuity at government level is unsettling but not surprising - there being so little substance to the case for such alarm. An alarm that is now part of the curriculum in our schools.  
(Photo: http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/about/lord_marland/lord_marland.aspx)

Extract from the proceedings of the House of Lords, 20th October 2010

Lord Lawson of Blaby: My Lords, is the Minister aware that the chairman of the Government’s own Green Investment Bank commission has authoritatively stated that the cost of meeting our current carbon reduction commitments in this country is somewhere between £800 billion and £1 trillion? Does he not agree that, with the best will in the world, this mind-boggling cost cannot be justified except in the context of a binding global carbon reduction agreement? Therefore, in the absence of such an agreement being secured at Cancun, does he not agree that it is only commonsense to suspend the Climate Change Act until such time as a binding global agreement is secured?
Lord Marland: My Lords, when I bumped into my noble friend in the Corridor and he said that he was catching the train to York I was rather relieved. Sadly, he will be catching a slightly later train than I was hoping for. I have now forgotten entirely what his question was.

Hat-tip: http://www.bishop-hill.net/blog/2010/10/21/lord-marland-shames-parliament.html

Monday, 18 October 2010

Food for thought: Lord Monckton on Canute, Communism, Climate, and Conspiracies

Greenpeace and communism.  Maurice Strong and world government. Climate scientists suborned and suborning.  And more.  Well worth an hour of your time, and if  you are a teacher or in educational administration or leadership, food for thought as you reflect on whether you want to be part of the deliberate scaring and misleading of the young about what we know and don't know about climate variation.

This is part 1 of a 5 part set of YouTube videos capturing an  interview/presentation with Lord Monckton published by Alex Jones on Prisonplanet.tv.  The links to the entire set are here:

Further credits: http://www.infowars.com/

Now this broadcaster, Alex Jones and his site are new to me.  He seems to be attacked by the establishment as a  'right-wing conspiracy site', and of course as such any posting using his materials will risk being attacked as well.  Well, so be it.  My examination of his site suggests to me that he is democratic, libertarian, and a believer in the Constitution of the United States.  So far, that's good enough for me.

Note added 10 June 2013   A YouTube video revealing Alex Jones as an unhinged oaf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgBq6q4x8Fw