Unfortunately, some misuse science. Some of their intentions, are far from benevolent. They see science as a mechanism for political power and control. There is great danger from those who would use science for political control over us.

How do they do this? They instill, and then continuously magnify, fear. Fear is the most effective instrument of totalitarian control.

Chet Richards, physicist,


Friday 19 April 2019

Coming Soon to a School Near You: Attenbollocks the Movie?

School authorities in their shocking lack of wisdom decided to distribute Al Gore's junk movie to scare the kids with, so will they do the same with this new Horror Film featuring David Attenborough, sundry 'voices' and 'climate scientists'?

If so, get ready to shred it.  You'll find plenty in it that will scare the children, so how about turning that into dismay at adult foolishness, ignorance, and irresponsibility instead? 

Some ammunition will be found at the following links, but surely readers here will readily find more:

Paul Homewood has done some Fisking:
'One of the features of the programme is the insertion of personalised, emotional film sequences – bats dying from heat in Australia, father and son escaping from wildfire in California, and the Isle de Jean Charles.
They are clearly designed to bring home to people the real effects of climate change, and make them feel guilty. At one point, the interviewee even says “we have got to do something”.
Unfortunately, the facts don’t agree. Maybe the programme would better have been called “Climate Change – The Myths”'

James Delingpole writes with his customary understated flair:
'Even by the BBC’s abysmal standards, this programme was a disgrace: an insult to the intelligence, a betrayal of the Reithian principles on which the BBC was founded, and a shameless piece of propaganda on behalf of the watermelons who would destroy our civilisation. As for Sir David Attenborough, it’s time this whispery voiced, gorilla hugging, walrus scaring Malthusian was recognised for what he is: not as a national treasure but as a national embarrassment long, long past his sell-by date.'

Anthony Watts is not impressed:
'Well, there you have it, done in timing with “Extinction Rebellion” protesters who are nothing more than the paid rabble of eco-NGO’s. And of course, we’ve heard these end-of-the-world scenarios time and time again from whacked-out doomsters. They didn’t come true, and we are still here.
Josh wasn’t impressed, neither am I.'

Notes added 20/4/2019.  An article by Ross Clark in the Spectator pins down some of the deliberate deceptions in the disgraceful Attenborough agitprop, but ends quite gently with these words: 'It is little wonder that terrified kids are skipping school to protest against climate change. Never mind climate change denial, a worse problem is the constant exaggeration of the subject. I had thought David Attenborough would be above resorting to the subtle propaganda which others have been propagating, linking every adverse weather event to climate change. But apparently not.'

Cliscep has several posts by Jaime Jessop with insightful criticism of the Attenborough fiasco of a 'documentary':

Note added 22/4/2019  Part 3 from Jaime.  Well worth your time.  This is an example of a brain at work seeking to make things clearer, more accurate, more reliable.  In utter contrast to the brains that worked on Attenborough's Disgrace.

Note added 23/4/2019  Another timely post at CliScep, and one at Bishophill:

Notes added 26/4/2019  The GWPF have made a formal complaint to the BBC over their part in promoting, and publishing Attenborough's Disgrace.  It is their disgrace too, and therefore one more item on their long rap sheet as climate scaremongers and propagandists.

Jaime publishes part 4 of her detailed examination of the Disgrace.  Just having her talk to to camera with a few charts and diagrams would have produced a far better documentary, one that would have been of benefit rather than of harm to the viewers.

Note added 27/4/2019.   Jaime publishes her fifth and final post on the Disgrace:  https://cliscep.com/2019/04/27/climate-change-the-lies-propaganda-misinformation-disinformation-and-emotional-blackmail-part-v/

Note added 03/9/2019.  Walruses falling off cliffs seems to be a relatively unsurprising event:  
'US Fish and Wildlife officials in 1994 explain walruses falling to their deaths from a cliff at Cape Pierce in the southern Bering Sea (a haulout for adult males during the ice-free season). Explanation? Overcrowding (too many walruses)!'