Unfortunately, some misuse science. Some of their intentions, are far from benevolent. They see science as a mechanism for political power and control. There is great danger from those who would use science for political control over us.

How do they do this? They instill, and then continuously magnify, fear. Fear is the most effective instrument of totalitarian control.

Chet Richards, physicist,


Friday 3 September 2010

'...the philosophy that is taught every day to our children in their schools: the world is fragile; human beings are a blot on the landscape...'

Delingpole in the Daily Telegraph Blogs has some accurate reflections to share, triggered by the recent death of eco-activist James Lee:

'What’s really depressing is that the philosophy expressed in James Lee’s (and the Unabomber’s) manifesto – which is also, incidentally, the philosophy expressed in Al Gore’s The Earth In Balance – is also the philosophy that is taught every day to our children in their schools: the world is fragile; human beings are a blot on the landscape; through our greed and selfishness we make everything worse; really it would be better if we vanished altogether and let all the lovely pure noble animals take over.
Not only do our schools teach our children this misanthropic – and deeply ahistoric – rot, but so also do broadcasters like the Discovery Channel. Their sister station, Animal Planet, for example, broadcasts a series called Whale Wars celebrating the real-life adventures of animal rights extremist Paul Watson. (H/T: MSher)
It’s time we woke up to the threat posed by this mass brainwashing of the younger generation. We worry, rightly, about those Muslim children who are being indoctrinated with the extreme Wahaabist version of their faith. Yet we seem astonishingly complacent that every day, in schools of every kind throughout the Western world, our children are being taught by well-meaning teachers to view their world and culture through exactly the same anti-capitalist, anti-human, anti-growth eyes as James Lee and the Unabomber.'

Thursday 2 September 2010

Al Gore's film - poisoning the children's minds

'I can't begin to count the number of people who have contacted me regarding how their children have been frightened to the core by Gore's film.  I have a stack of communiqués from parents describing the nightmares their kids have experienced regarding floods, hurricanes, sea-level rise, polar bears drowning-all caused by cars, air-conditioning and fireplaces, and all supported with junk science, clever writing, and slick Hollywood graphics.'

Brian Sussman is a former television meteorologist and the author of Climategate: a veteran meteorologist exposes the global warming scam.