Unfortunately, some misuse science. Some of their intentions, are far from benevolent. They see science as a mechanism for political power and control. There is great danger from those who would use science for political control over us.

How do they do this? They instill, and then continuously magnify, fear. Fear is the most effective instrument of totalitarian control.

Chet Richards, physicist,


Monday, 10 February 2025

The CO2 Delusion

The delusion that CO2 is an important driver of climate change is turning out to be an extremely  costly and destructive one.  There continues to be a trickle of scientific papers pointing out just how weak CO2 is as a driver, and therein lies some hope that the CO2/climate panic will eventually be over.  These papers will surely receive more attention as the harm of policies such as 'Net Zero' becomes more keenly felt, and thanks to the efforts of such as Net Zero Watch, the harm is being documented, and blame apportioned.  And 'blame' is appropriate since there is no scientific case to be made for the panic today.  It is people with political or personal career agendas who are promoting the panic, and they have been astonishingly successful so far.

Two of our most distinguished atmospheric physicists, Richard Lindzen and William Happer, have patiently argued for decades that we should be taking a calmer and more considerd view of climate variation and the role, in particular, of trace gases such as CO2 and methane.  An article they published in 2021 provides a very accessible introduction to their work:

Climate ‘Emergency’? Not So Fast 

Here are a couple of extracts:

'We are both scientists who can attest that the research literature does not support the claim of a climate emergency. Nor will there be one. None of the lurid predictions — dangerously accelerating sea-level rise, increasingly extreme weather, more deadly forest fires, unprecedented warming, etc. — are any more accurate than the fire-and-brimstone sermons used to stoke fanaticism in medieval crusaders.'

'Neither contemporary observations nor the geological record support computer-based claims that CO2 is the “control knob” for the earth’s climate. Warmings, similar to or larger than the current one, have been observed many times in the past few millennia when there has been negligible use of fossil fuels. A thousand years ago Greenland really was warmer than today and supported Norse farmers who grew crops such as barley, which cannot be grown there now because of the cold.'

A Google search will readily provide links to their scientific papers on climate.  The next section of this post looks at recent papers from other scientists.

In Praise of No Tricks Zone and Their Contributor Kenneth Richard

Kenneth Richard clearly keeps a close eye on scientific papers linked to climate, and frequently provides summaries of them and links to their sources.  Here are some of his posts I have pulled out from the past year or so that are about the unimportance of CO2 in the climate system:

(1) 2025.    Ph.D physicists detail just how insignificant CO2 is as a factor in climate change, revealing that doubling the CO2 concentration from 400 ppm to 800 ppm – a 100% increase – hypothetically reduces radiative heat loss to space by just 1%.

(2) 2024.   A new study by Bierman et al titled: Plant, insect, and fungi fossils under the center of Greenland’s ice sheet are evidence of ice-free times, shows that “in the middle of Greenland, where a three-kilometer-thick ice sheet now sits, plants and insects once flourished and at CO2 levels well below today’s levels.” 

(3) 2024.  The 2013-2022 warming trend and the extreme warmth in 2023 were “not associated with” declining outgoing longwave radiation induced by rising greenhouse gases.

(4) 2024.  The evidence that rising CO2 concentrations lead to inconsequential warming keeps piling up.  In a new study, seven Viennese researchers provide more evidence the CO2 absorption band is already saturated at today’s concentrations (over 400 ppm). Rising CO2 levels thus cannot drive significant global warming.

(5) 2024.  A new analysis indicates tripling the atmospheric CO2 concentration from 100 to 400 ppm only produces a 0.3°C surface warming effect.

(6) 2024.   German researcher concludes CO2 warming immensely exaggerated…. IR radiation of clouds considerably reduces the greenhouse effect of CO2.”

(7) 2024.   “[T]he contribution of CO2 to the greenhouse effect is 4% – 5%. Human CO2 emissions represent 4% of the total, which means that the total human contribution to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect is 0.16% to 0.20% – a negligible effect.” – Dr. Demetris Koutsoyiannis (2024)

(8) 2024.   “The heat retention in the greenhouse Earth is caused by all gas components…mainly by nitrogen and oxygen. It is not permissible to exclusively assign the GH effect of 33° to water vapour, CO2, and the other trace gases.” – Ullmann and Bülow, 2024

(9) 2024.  Yet another scientific study concludes CO2 is an insignificant contributor to Earth’s recent temperature changes.  New research involving a comparative analysis of satellite (CERES) observations of absorbed solar radiation (ASR) and CO2 radiative forcing modeling finds CO2 may have contributed just 0.09°C to the 0.52°C temperature increase from 2000 to 2023.

(10) 2024.   “…sea surface temperature has been the primary determinant of baseline atmospheric P(CO2) across the entire Cenozoic” – Frank, 2024.  A new study analyzes paleo atmospheric CO2 levels using the modern-day observation that oceans release more CO2 as they warm and less CO2 as they cool – a reference to Henry’s Law.

(11) 2024.   “Our analysis revealed that the observed decrease of planetary albedo along with reported variations of the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) explain 100% of the global warming trend and 83% of the GSAT interannual variability as documented by six satellite- and ground-based monitoring systems over the past 24 years.”  – Nikolov and Zeller, 2024

(12) 2024.    Scientists do not even mention CO2 concentration changes as a factor in ocean warming.  A new study reveals the limit of the greenhouse gas-induced longwave radiative impact extends only to the ~10 μm (0.01 mm) skin layer – the ocean-air interface – and no deeper.

(13) 2024.  A new study comprehensively eviscerates a 57-year-old modeling paper upon which nearly the entirety of the IPCC’s CO2-drives-climate paradigm is based.  Dr. Roy Clark has published a new 73-page study that rips apart the Manabe and Wetherald (1967) paper (MW67) that effectively hatched the IPCC-popularized concepts of CO2 climate sensitivity, radiative forcing, and positive/negative feedbacks so as to portray humans as predominantly responsible for climate changes.

(14) 2024.   

“CO2 is only present in the atmosphere in trace amounts (0.04%) and lacks sufficient enthalpy to have any measurable effect on the atmosphere’s temperature.” – Nelson and Nelson, 2024   New research (Nelson and Nelson, 2024) further documents the inconsequential role that CO2 plays in climate.

(15) 2024.   Adding CO2 to the atmosphere can have no significant climatic effect when rising above the threshold of about 300 ppm. Due to saturation, higher and higher concentrations do not lead to any further absorption of radiation.

(16) 2019.    The shallowest sea surface temperature measurement limit is 10,000 times deeper than the extent of CO2’s radiative influence.  When sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are measured, the depth range of the measurement typically extends from 10 cm to 10 m, or 100 mm to 10,000 mm (Merchant et al., 2019).  This measurement limitation is an insurmountable problem for those who wish to link increases in SSTs to increases in anthropogenic CO2 emissions.  Why? Because CO2’s radiative influence can only extend to ocean depths of 0.01 mm, or 1/100ths of a millimeter (Wong and Minnett, 2018).

(17) 2023.  “There can be no climate equilibrium state that can be perturbed by an increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO2…” – Clark, 2023  The anthropogenic global warming paradigm has a magnitude problem – especially when it comes to the assumption that we humans can warm the ocean with our CO2 emissions.

(18) 2008.  Doubling the 2005 CO2 concentration (380 ppm) to 760 ppm only produces a globally-averaged 2.26 W/m² perturbation at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). This doubled-CO2 forcing is close to 0 W/m² for large portions of the globe – including below 0 W/m² for Antarctica.

In January last year, Kenneth Richard provided this list on No Tricks Zone:

Nearly 160 Scientific Papers Detail The Minuscule Effect CO2 Has On Earth’s Temperature

FootNote: All Hope is Not Yet Lost
The original hope for this Climate Lessons blog was to hamper climate alarmism in schools.  This has clearly not been done - there are extensive reports of climate anxiety in most schoolchildren now.  The new hope is that some of the blog's hundreds of posts may yet help these children, and young adults, get over the propaganda-induced fears they have acquired.  The work reported on above will help underpin such efforts.  

Monday, 25 March 2024

Climate The Movie - Brings New Hope for Curing Climate Alarm

Until the excesses of Net Zero brought more widespread insight into the destructive foolishness of policies conceived in panic because of climate alarmism, there seemed no end in sight to the spread of this madness.  Now there is more positive grounds for hope in the very accessible form of 'Climate - The Movie'.

You can see it here, hopefully safe from being banned by the likes of YouTube:   https://seed132.bitchute.com/BOEebK0ezEwv/QyKpcVilVceu.mp4

I first saw it thanks to this post on the invaluable blog Not a Lot of People KnowThat , introduced there with this neat summary: 

'This film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather events – hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and all the rest. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. On the contrary, it is very clearly the case, as can be seen in all mainstream studies, that, compared to the last half billion years of earth’s history, both current temperatures and CO2 levels are extremely and unusually low. We are currently in an ice age. It also shows that there is no evidence that changing levels of CO2 (it has changed many times) has ever ‘driven’ climate change in the past.'

The movie is free to watch, and has been very well received on climate blogs such as WUWT, NetZeroWatch, and Jo Nova's.  Jo writes this commentary on it:

'Martin Durkin’s work will be studied one day like Thucydides as a record of a bizarre moment in human history. It is so quintessentially British. I thought I’d seen it all in the climate debate, but this is so well done, perfect for a curious, matter-of-fact mind. It pulls you along, with timeless nostalgic footage in a classic English delivery, calmly unravelling mythology. It will resonate with people who remember cities, cars and great documentaries of long ago.

Because it’s not angry or activist it’s a gift you can send to friends who are science nerds, or history buffs, or who remember the sixties. Send it to people with teenagers who have no idea the curriculum hides a half a billion years of history. Send it to green friends, who have no idea a third of the food made in Africa rots before it can be eaten without fossil fuels and plastic to preserve and transport it.

Imagine the effect if this was shown at schools.'

She is on the ball there!  This movie is easy to watch, featuring excellent scientists and an outstanding statistician, as well as highly informed observers of the climate alarm fiasco over these past decades.  There is such a need for this to help reduce, or begin to remove, the awful anxieties about our future that waves of propaganda in the mass media, and in schools have planted in so many people's minds.

Here's hoping!!

Note added 29Mar2024.  Andy May has published in WUWT, a handy bibliography of references associated with Climate the Movie:   https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/26/annotated-bibliography-for-climate-the-movie/

Saturday, 4 December 2021

Christmas Greetings in 2021, and the future of this blog, Climate Lessons.

 The awful ongoing spread of panic over CO2 casts a shadow over us all, and is perhaps one of the greatest intellectual disgraces of our time.  It has led to political, moral, and educational disgraces that are bringing widespread harm.  This blog has sought to draw attention to the harm being done to children in schools by the propaganda designed to produce alarm in young minds.  But this propaganda has been overwhelmingly successful - children are now widely reported in large numbers as being terrified about the future.  Ill-informed agitators like Greta Thunberg have been idolised by campaigners, and ruthlessly exploited by them to promote fear.  She, and the children she has helped to alarm, all need a great deal of help to get back to a happier, more balanced, and better informed state of mind.

 I plan to leave this blog up and running, with occasional additions as I can find time for, in the hope that some of the material here will help others who want to help people like Greta calm down and feel better about the world.  I also plan to launch another blog early next year.  This new blog will concentrate on one relatively narrow  area - our knowledge of the Greenland icecap.  This icecap has been used to scare people about climate.  I would like to create an easy to access depository of relevant studies as a contribution to reducing the risks of misinformation in this area.  I hope it may be more successful than Climate Lessons seems to have been to date.

 Here is a recent talk given by Professor Will Happer, one of the physicists who has kept calm and analytical, rather than hot-headed and political like some others have been, about CO2 and climate.  The talk is aimed at a general audience and should, I imagine, be followed readily by non-specialists: 

Key conclusions:

Dr. Happer: "The rationale for the crusade against co2, it's almost a religious thing people believe in." .. "What are the facts? Is climate change a problem? The answer is NO, it's not a problem at all and CO2 is not a problem at all."

(hat-tip: Climate Depot)

Christmas Greetings
I usually manage a post to mark this generally happier time of year, so here are the melodies of 5 carols, played on a nyckelharpa by Dick Glasgow:

Best wishes to all who come this way.  For Christmas and for the New Year!  May the tide of climate lunacy turn soon.  

Sunday, 13 December 2020

The Winter of our Discontent about Climate Alarmism

While the climate system continues to behave as if the additional CO2 is having a negligible effect, the climate alarm campaigners remain deeply entrenched in many important areas, not least in politics and education.  

That is a source of discontent for those of us who have not been convinced by the arguments made in favour of panic and alarm.  We can believe that a gentle, beneficial warming has taken place over the past 150 years or so, and we can see the beneficial impact of increased CO2 on crop production, and in 'greening' the planet generally.  We note that while CO2 may well have added to the observed warming, the impact of more CO2 is expected to be even weaker.  

So here is a pleasant diversion for Christmas: the enchanting music that Holst wrote to go with lyrics by Rossetti:


The performance is by a group called '2002'.  More details here:

Merry Christmas to all who visit here!!  Let good cheer abound, and here's hoping for a New Year that will be better for climate policies, and for climate-scared children and adults, than it looks like being from here.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Climate Change Science Overview for Parents, Teachers, and Senior Pupils - calm appraisals by genuine experts

Here is a long extract from the July 25 issue of the invaluable 'The Week That Was'  newsletter from the Science & Environmental Project.  It shares recent insights from very distinguished experts,  namely Richard Lindzen, William van Wijingaarden, William Happer, and Mototaka Nakamura, in separate publications.  Key points include: CO2 plays a relatively modest roles in the climate system, doubling CO2 levels has 1.5C as a credible upper-bound impact on mean temperature (and mean temperature is a poor measure of climate variation), and that the computer models of climate are utterly unsuited and incompetent for forecasting climate change.  At the very least, these insights undermine the current widespread confidence that a climate crisis is underway.  
Extract begins
By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

July Summary Part III; Models and Observations: Two weeks ago TWTW reviewed Richard Lindzen’s new paper summarizing what we know with reasonable certainty, what we suspect, and what we know is incorrect about climate change, the greenhouse effect, temperature trends, climate modeling, ocean chemistry, and sea level rise. Key parts included:

1) The climate system is never in equilibrium.

2) The core of the system consists of two turbulent fluids interacting with each other and unevenly heated by the sun, which results in transport of heat from the equator towards the poles (meridional) creating ocean cycles that may take 1,000 years to complete.

3) The two most important substances in the greenhouse effect are water vapor and clouds, which are not fully understood and are not stable.

4) A vital component of the atmosphere is water in its liquid, solid, and vapor phases and the changes in phases have immense dynamic consequences.

5) Doubling carbon dioxide, (CO2), creates a 2% disturbance to the normal flow of energy into the system and out of the system, which is similar to the disturbance created by changes in clouds and other natural features.

6) Temperatures in the tropics have been extremely stable. It is the temperature differences between the tropics and polar regions that is extremely important. Calculations such as global average temperature largely ignore this important difference.

Last week, TWTW used the work of William van Wijngaarden and William Happer (W & H) to summarize what we know with reasonable certainty, what we suspect, and what we know is incorrect about the greenhouse effect. Both the gentlemen are experts in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical physics (AMO), which is far from simple physics, but is necessary to understand how greenhouse gases interfere (delay) the radiation of energy from the surface into space – how the earth loses its heat every day, mainly at night.

1) There is no general understanding sufficient to develop elegant equations.

2) The optical depth or optical thickness of the atmosphere (transparency) changes as altitude changes. The depth is measured in terms of a natural logarithm and, in this instance, relates to distance a photon of a particular frequency can travel before it is absorbed by an appropriate molecule (one that absorbs and re-emits photons of that frequency).

3) Unlike other natural greenhouse gases, water vapor, the dominant greenhouse gas, is not well distributed in the atmosphere, its irregular. [SEPP Comment: It is variability during the daytime, the formation of clouds from H2O, etc., all combine to make it impossible to do theoretical computational "climate" dynamics with any value at all. Because H2O is known to be “all over the map" the Charney Report recognized a decent calculation was impossible. So, it went down the erroneous path of ignoring H2O and assumed a CO2 value; and then coming back in later with a "feedback" argument to try to account for H2O. It didn’t work then, now, or into the future.]

4) There is a logarithmic relationship between greenhouse gases and temperature.

5) “Saturation” means that adding more molecules causes little change in Earth’s radiation to space. The very narrow range in which Methane (CH4) can absorb and emit photons is already saturated by water vapor (H2O), the dominant greenhouse gas, below the tropopause, where the atmosphere is thick. Thus, adding methane has little effect on temperatures because its influence is mostly where the atmosphere is thin, transparent.

6) Their (W & H) calculations show that a doubling of CO2 will increase temperatures by no more than 1.5 ⁰ C.

Problems with Models: In September 2019, established Japanese climate modeler Mototaka Nakamura, wrote a book that is available on Kindle, which contains an English summary. Nakamura is the author of about 20 published papers on fluid dynamics, one of the complex subjects in climate change. Interestingly, Richard Lindzen was one of Nakamura’s thesis advisors at MIT. Nakamura mentions this in his discussion of ocean currents, namely the Thermohaline circulation. This circulation includes the Gulf Stream, which keeps Western Europe far warmer than it would be otherwise. [The late Bill Gray, who was a pioneer in forecasting hurricanes, was a strong advocate of the importance of the Thermohaline circulation.]

Based on Nakamura’s discussion, he is a stronger advocate of the Thermohaline circulation than Lindzen, particularly in the cold southward flowing water on the bottom of the Atlantic. In his discussion on this phenomena, Nakamura states Professor Lindzen may disagree, asking how do you know?

As presented in the September 28, 2019, TWTW, Australian reporter Tony Thomas, who has followed the climate issue for years, reviews the book, emphasizing that the certainty claimed by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and its followers is hollow.

Among other important changing phenomena, the climate system is largely made up of two fluids in dynamic motion, the ocean, and the atmosphere, and we simply do not know enough about fluid dynamics to make long-term predictions about the interactions of these fluids. According to Nakamura the climate models are useful tools for academic purposes, but useless for prediction. As quoted by Thomas, Nakamura writes:

“These models completely lack some critically important climate processes and feedbacks and represent some other critically important climate processes and feedbacks in grossly distorted manners to the extent that makes these models totally useless for any meaningful climate prediction.

“I myself used to use climate simulation models for scientific studies, not for predictions, and learned about their problems and limitations in the process.”

Nakamura and his colleagues tried to repair the errors:

“…so, I know the workings of these models very well. For better or worse I have more or less lost interest in the climate science and am not thrilled to spend so much of my time and energy in this kind of writing beyond the point that satisfies my own sense of obligation to the US and Japanese taxpayers who financially supported my higher education and spontaneous and free research activity. So please expect this to be the only writing of this sort coming from me.

“I am confident that some honest and courageous, true climate scientists will continue to publicly point out the fraudulent claims made by the mainstream climate science community in English. I regret to say this, but I am also confident that docile and/or incompetent Japanese climate researchers will remain silent until the ’mainstream climate science community’ changes its tone, if ever.”

Thomas writes some of the gross model simplifications are:

• Ignorance about large and small-scale ocean dynamics.
• A complete lack of meaningful representations of aerosol changes that generate clouds.
• Lack of understanding of drivers of ice-albedo (reflectivity) feedbacks: “Without a reasonably accurate representation, it is impossible to make any meaningful predictions of climate variations and changes in the middle and high latitudes and thus the entire planet.”
• Inability to deal with water vapor elements.
• Arbitrary “tunings” (fudges) of key parameters that are not understood.

As Richard Lindzen has stated for years, the models fail to capture changes in clouds including changing cloud area and that the sizes of clouds are too small for grid scale modeling.

Nakamura’s work reinforces what many, including Lindzen, have stated. But it is refreshing to see that a modeler who spent years trying to model the climate system recognizes how unsuccessful this 40 plus year effort has been.

To the above, one can quote from the beginning of the English appendix of Nakamura’s book:

“Before pointing out a few of the serious flaws in climate simulation models, in defense of those climate researchers who use climate simulation models for various meaningful scientific projects, I want to emphasize here that climate simulation models are fine tools to study the climate system, so long as the users are aware of the limitations of the models and exercise caution in designing experiments and interpreting their output. In this sense, experiments to study the response of simplified climate systems, such as those generated by the ‘state-of-the-art’ climate simulation models, to major increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases are also interesting and meaningful academic projects that are certainly worth pursuing. So long as the results of such projects are presented with disclaimers that unambiguously state the extent to which the results can be compared with the real world, I would not have any problem with such projects. The models just become useless pieces of junk or worse (worse, in a sense that they can produce gravely misleading output) only when they are used for climate forecasting.

“All climate simulation models have many details that become fatal flaws when they are used as climate forecasting tools, especially for mid- to long-term (several years and longer) climate variations and changes. These models completely lack some of critically important climate processes and feedbacks, and represent some other critically important climate processes and feedbacks in grossly distorted manners to the extent that makes these models totally useless for any meaningful climate prediction. It means that they are also completely useless for assessing the effects of the past atmospheric carbon dioxide increase on the climate. I myself used to use climate simulation models for scientific studies, not for predictions, and learned about their problems and limitations in the process. I, with help of some of my former colleagues, even modified some details of these models in attempts to improve them by making some of grossly simplified expressions of physical processes in the models less grossly simplified, based on physical theories. So, I know the internal workings of these models very well. I find it rather bewildering that so many climate researchers, many of whom are only ‘so-called climate researchers’ in my not-so-humble opinion, appear to firmly believe in the validity of using these models for climate forecasting. I have observed that many of those climate researchers who firmly believe in the global warming hypothesis view the climate system in a grotesquely simplified fashion: many of them view the climate system as a horizontally homogeneous (no variations in the north-south and east-west directions) or zonally homogeneous (no variations in the east-west direction) system whose dynamics are dominated by the radiative-chemical-convective processes, smooth vertical-north-south motions in the atmosphere, and stationary oceans, and completely neglect the geophysical fluid dynamics, an extremely important and strong factor in the maintenance of the climate and generation of climate variations and changes. So, in their view, those climate simulation models that have ostensible 3 D flows in the atmosphere and oceans may be more than good enough for making climate predictions. They are not good enough. Incidentally, I never liked the term, ‘model validation’, often used by most climate researchers to refer to the action of assessing the extent to which the model output resembles the reality. They should use a more honest term such as ‘model assessment’ rather than the disingenuous term, ‘model validation’, and evaluate the model performance in an objective and scientific manner rather than trying to construct narratives that justify the use of these models for climate predictions. [Boldface in original]

“The most obvious and egregious problem is the treatment of incoming solar energy — it is treated as a constant, that is, as a ‘never changing quantity’. It should not require an expert to explain how absurd this is if ‘climate forecasting’ is the aim of the model use. It has been only several decades since we acquired an ability to accurately monitor the incoming solar energy. In these several decades only, it has varied by 1 to 2 Watts per square meters. Is it reasonable to assume that it will not vary any more than that in the next hundred years or longer for forecasting purposes? I would say ‘No’.

“One can stop here and proclaim that we can never predict climate changes because of our inability to predict changes in the incoming solar energy. Nevertheless, for the sake of providing some useful pieces of information that can help countervail rampantly bold and absurd claims such as ‘We can correctly predict climate changes that are attributable only to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide to assess the human impact on the climate’, I will describe two problematic aspects of climate simulation models below. I also hear somewhat less bold claims such as ‘These models can correctly predict at least the sense or direction of climate changes that are attributable only to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide.’ I want to point out a simple fact that it is impossible to correctly predict even the sense or direction of the change of a system when the prediction tool lacks and/ or grossly distorts important nonlinear processes, feedbacks in particular, that are present in the actual system.” [Boldface added.]
Extract ends
The full newsletter is available as a pdf here.