The seemingly endless streams of junk science, junk assertions, and portentous pontifications about climate based on CO2 Scaremongering are generally best, and most readily, dealt with merely by looking at relevant data.
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That UK National Treasure of a web site 'Not A Lot of People Know That' has seen a great many posts refuting the silly claims of both victims and perpetrators of the Scaremongering. The most recent is in response to a report just published by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). It turns out that that Society has burdened itself by employing someone as a 'climate scientist'. Said 'scientist' naturally wants to be seen to earn her keep by producing something to justify her employment. That 'something' has been generously hyped by the BBC. That of course is not a good thing, since the BBC is
little better than a cesspit of eco-junk known to be severely and deliberately biased when it comes to environmental matters, not least
climate. This RHS report and the BBC reporting on it, as Paul Homewood deftly demonstrates, provide more exhibits for the prosecution on the these charges.
Parents, other family members, and teachers would do well to bookmark
Homewood's site, and search it from time to time as and when climate spins pushed by victims, perpetrators, and collaborators in the CO2 Scaremongering come their way, or more importantly, in the way of their children.
Read his latest post to see his method at work:
BBC Peddle RHS Climate Lies
APRIL 30, 2017